When migrate = False and fake_migrate = False the .table files are not
even read from the filesystem, meaning they do not technically *need*
to exist to run your application.

Running code on production always uses migrate = False except for when
I run migration scripts which allow the DAL to perform table updates.
Only the migration script needs access to the .table files.

The question is then, should the .table files used for the production
server be version controlled? If so, should it be in the same
repository as the code, or in its own repository just storing the
migration data?

Where is the proper location for these .table files be stored. I have
multiple web2py apps that use the same database, and therefore share
.table files, so they need to exist in a app-agnostic location. Is the
project folder the proper place for this, or something like
/metadata/pms/migration/ ? The DAL instance exist in a module,
therefore any request contexts will not be available.

I'm just curious on what others thoughts are on this.


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