normally I do, but I'm not sure where to do so in Eclipse.  Similarly
with the port and address (  I checked the debug config
parameters and variables and tried a bit there, but it didn't lead

On Jul 29, 9:54 am, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> did you provide password parameter to run
> 2010/7/29 pabloest <>
> > Hi,
> > I'm having some trouble simply getting started with Eclipse and Pydev
> > for web2py development.
> > I can't get into a debugging mode with and the web server
> > will not even start. When I right-click and select Debug As > Python
> > Run, I get error messages that say:
> > -unexpected error setting up the debugger: socket closed
> > -pydev debugger: starting
> > Could not connect to localhost: 51530
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "/Applications/eclipse/plugins/
> > org.python.pydev.debug_1.6.0.2010071813/pysrc/", line
> > 341, in StartClient
> >    s.connect((host, port))
> >  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
> > gaierror: (8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')
> > I haven't modified my files from the default.
> > It seems I am missing something quite basic as I haven't found
> > anything on this message board or others to indicate this is a normal
> > problem.
> > I'm running Eclipse IDE for Javascript Developers (by the way, does it
> > matter which Eclipse? I also tried with Eclipse Classic and got the
> > same results).
> > Eclipse v1.3.0.2
> > Eclipse Platform SDK v3.0.6
> > PyDev for Eclipse
> > PyDev Mylyn Integration 0.3.0
> > I'm on a Mac 10.5.8 and Python 2.6.5.
> > Any hints?
> > Thanks much.
> --

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