Thanks Massimo,

I copied the send() api to my and it worked.

On Jul 30, 3:03 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Please try the code in trunk. If the message is '<html>....</html>' it
> should be sent automatically in html.
> On Jul 29, 3:00 am, Rohan <> wrote:
> > I need to send reset password mail as html, so i created
> > in
> > auth.messages.reset_password = [None, "<html>Some html + Click on
> > below link to reset your password\n\n
> > http://'+request.env.http_host+URL(r=request,c='account',f='user',args=['re 
> > set_password'])+'/%(key)s
> > </html>"]
> > in request_reset_password api, tries to generate key and
> > substitute in the message above
> > self.settings.mailer.send(,
> > subject=self.messages.reset_password_subject,
> > message=self.messages.reset_password % \
> > dict(key=reset_password_key))
> > but in case of reset_password message is tuple or list, the above
> > substitution will result in an error.
> > Any pointers how to send html message?

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