Ideally, I'd like to avoid having to purchase a commercial product.
Plus, I don't think it would work.  mxODBC appears to be a replacement
for pyodbc.  It looks like mxODBC uses FreeTDS just like pyodbc.  The
problem appears to be with FreeTDS, so mxODBC doesn't look like it
would be a fix for my particular problem.  In fact, mxODBC says as
much itself:

(From the mxODBC change log, Changes from 2.0.7 to 3.0.0:

"Added new experimental subpackage mx.ODBC.FreeTDS which allows
connecting to MS SQL Server from Unix. This is still far from even
being called alpha due to the current lack of implementation support
of many important ODBC APIs in the FreeTDS ODBC driver."

The problem still seems to be FreeTDS.

On Jul 30, 9:42 am, Michele Comitini <>
> you can try with mxodbc
> 2010/7/30 mwolfe02 <>
> > For background, refer to related questions on SO:
> >
> >
> > I'm developing my app on Windows, but will be deploying it on a Linux
> > server.  The following lines are from the top of my
> > if'posix':  #Ubuntu
> >    db = 
> > DAL('mssql://user:p...@{FreeTDS}<http://user:p...@>
> > ',
> > migrate=False)
> > elif'nt':   #Windows
> >    db = DAL('mssql://u...@
> > Trusted_Connection=Yes', migrate=False)
> > The problem I am running into is that on Windows, my MS SQL money
> > fields are returned as Python Decimals.  However, on Linux, those same
> > fields are returned as floats.  I think the issue is with FreeTDS.
> > The above lines are the _only_ lines that are different between my
> > production and development versions.  Obviously, the environments
> > themselves are vastly different.
> > Is there an alternative to FreeTDS to connect to SQL Server from
> > Linux?  Do I need to provide some additional info in my connection
> > string?  Am I just stuck because I'm accessing SQL Server from Linux?
> > Thanks in advance for any insight.

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