On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 2:41 AM, pabloest <pab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for the extended description.
> This is almost exactly what I had been following.

You welcome. Interesting to know you came up with a similar solution.

> I had skipped the
> arguments partially because I think Eclipse is not taking them. When I
> enter the arguments and then go to the interpreter tab to "see
> resulting command line for the given parameters" (button), they do not
> appear. Other commands do appear, but not what I've entered into the
> arguments tab.  Do yours appear there?

Arguments do not appear in the interpreter tab, but they are applied. I you
enter something like   -p 8080 -a "<recycle>"   in the arguments tab when
you run web2py.py the startup dialog box should not appear. Give it a try. I
find it very convenient not to have the pesky dialog.

> Aptana gave the same behavior as Eclipse, but I'm not surprised.
> I might try re-downloading web2py's source - perhaps something got
> corrupted.

I wouldn't expect this to be related to web2py.

> Pablo

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