You are free to write it the way you want. You don't you do that?
I think, though, that using wrappers gives lower perfomance so you'll be
consuming more CPU.
Otherwise - no objections to your method.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Stef Mientki <>wrote:

>  please forgive my ignorance,
> but I wonder why views are not written in Python, instead of html ( see
> comparison below of te first
> part of default\index.html.
> The advantage of using Python:
> - the user can stick to 1 language
> - no redundant information in the closing tags, like <ul> , </ul>
> - most editors checks the closing brackets
> - normal indentation, no problems with missing "pass"
> The disavantages of using Python:
> - ???
> thanks,
> Stef Mientki
> # ***************************************************************
> extend ( 'layout.html' )
> if 'message' in globals () :
>  H2 ( message )
> else:
>  DISPLAY ( BEAUTIFY ( response._vars ) )
> HR ()
> H1 ( 'README' )
> UL (
>  LI ( T ( 'You are successfully running web2py' ) ),
>  LI ( T ( 'This is a copy of the scaffolding application' ) ),
>  LI ( T ( 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs' ) ),
>  LI ( T ( A ( B ( T ( "click here for the administrative interface")),
>              _HREF ( URL ( 'admin', 'default', 'index' ) ) ) ) ),
>  LI ( A ( T ( "click here for online examples"),
>           _HREF ( URL ( 'examples', 'default', 'index' ) ) ) ),
>  LI ( HREF ( "";, '' ) ),
>  LI ( HREF ( "";, T ( 'documentation' ) ) ) )
> # ***************************************************************
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{if 'message' in
> globals():}}{{=H2(message)}}{{else:}}{{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}{{pass}}
> <hr />
> <h1>README</h1>
> <ul>
>  <li>{{=T('You are successfully running web2py')}}</li>
>  <li>{{=T('This is a copy of the scaffolding application')}}</li>
>  <li>{{=T('You can modify this application and adapt it to your
> needs')}}</li>
>  <li>{{=A(B(T("click here for the administrative interface")),
> _href=URL('admin','default','index'))}}</li>
>  <li>{{=A(T("click here for online examples"),
> _href=URL('examples','default','index'))}}</li>
>  <li><a href="";></a></li>
>  <li><a href="";>{{=T('documentation')}}</a></li>
> </ul>

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