this is on our todo list

On Aug 4, 4:19 pm, Lasiaf <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to web2py and python.
> Here is what I wanna accomplish:
> I want to have in each application, so I can make separate
> applications with different set of routes, because I will be hosting
> it in a shared hosting and they have limited inodes of 50,000. So I
> just want to keep a copy of 1 web2py folder and have multiple
> applications inside.
> so if I have in applications that means I could just add
> different routes there. But I don't think thats a built in method.
> Another I could access request.env.http_host and set different routes
> from, if this is an ok method, how do I access request
> object?
> Also another thing is maybe I could set something in my dispatch.fcgi
> to use different file than, if so how do I do it? then i'll
> just have to mess around with my .htaccess
> Thanks

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