Really sorry when I read the thread mentioned above got the number on the
head, I even mentioned as being the current version on my site. (just

web2py use a crawler to pull the version information directly to the
appadmin. it is possible to embed in any other place?

I i'll take a look into appadmin source now.


2010/8/4 mdipierro <>

> You had me panic for a second. LOL
> On Aug 4, 7:11 pm, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> > I got confused because of this thread..
> > *1.84*#5e20279c2ba66d88
> >
> > Sorry...
> >
> > 2010/8/4 Bruno Rocha <>
> >
> >
> >
> > > It is going down to zero ??
> >
> > > was 1.84.1, than 1.85. and now it is 1.82???
> >
> > > 2010/8/4 mdipierro <>
> >
> > > Changelog
> >
> > >> #1.82.1
> > >> - new template system supports {{block}}, thanks Thadeus
> > >> - new db.table(id,[field=value]) and db.table(query) syntax to get
> > >> first matching record
> > >> - URL('index') (no more r=request), thanks Thadeus
> > >> - mail.send(message='<html>...</html>', ....)
> > >> - DAL([uri1, uri2, uri3]) for load balancing
> > >> - @service.soap(...) with mysimplesoap, thanks Mariano
> > >> - request.ajax to detect if action is called via ajax, tahnks Jonathan
> > >> and David Mako
> > >> - more captcha options, thanks Vidul
> > >> - openid and oauth2 thanks Michele and Keith
> > >> - better PluginManager and load components
> > >> - FORM(...,hideerror=True) for custom forms
> >
> > > --
> >
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> >


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