Well in fact it does not render for N°1=>N°3 in my code
Yet I'm not used to using javascript and ajax and does not know
firebug enough.
But here is the code rendered :

    <table class="nc">

            <th>controle 1</th>
            <th>controle 2</th>
            <th><div id="c258613760639">Hello World</div><script
type="text/javascript"></script> N°1</th>

            <td>enreg 1</td>
            <td>enreg 2</td>

As I can find the {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} this is not a
web2py issue. I Just have find why this <div> does not render.

On 8 août, 19:32, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Please clarify what you mean by does not work. Did you try firebug? is
> the ajax call executed? Do you get a response? If so, it is a JS
> problem.
> On Aug 8, 7:19 am, JmiXIII <sylvn.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello !
> > Here is a view in which I am using LOAD helper
> > I have put {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} N°# in several places in
> > the code below
> > I am also using jquerytools 
> > :http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.1/jquery.tools.min.js
> > from my controler
> > The only {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} working is N°#4 outside the
> > div affected by jquerytools
> > Can someone explain me why the other doesn't work ? Does that mean I
> > can't use LOAD with jquerytools ?
> > Thanks a lot
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > <h2>{{=Selection}}</h2>
> > <h1>{{=CArt}}{{=ArtOF}}</h1>
> > <!-- tabs -->
> > <ul class="css-tabs">
> >         <li><a href="#">Suivi Prod</a></li>
> >         <li><a href="#">Synthèse OF</a></li>
> >         <li><a href="#">Non conformités</a></li>
> >     <li><a href="#">Suivi de contrôle</a></li>
> > </ul>
> > <!-- panes -->
> > <div class="css-panes">
> >         <div>
> >         stuffs
> >         </div>
> >         <div>
> >         stuffs
> >         </div>
> >         <div>
> >         stuffs
> >         </div>
> >     <div>
> >     <table class="nc">
> >         <tr>
> >             <th>Date/Heure</th>
> >             <th>controle 1</th>
> >             <th>controle 2</th>
> >             <th>{{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} N°1</th>
> >         </tr>
> >         <tr>
> >             <td>...</td>
> >             <td>enreg 1</td>
> >             <td>enreg 2</td>
> >         </tr>
> >     </table>
> >     {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} N°2
> >     </div>
> >     {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} N°3
> > </div>
> > {{=LOAD('default','index.load')}} N°4
> > <!-- activate tabs with JavaScript -->
> > <script>
> > $(function() {
> >         // :first selector is optional if you have only one tabs on the page
> >         $(".css-tabs:first").tabs(".css-panes:first > div");});
> > </script>

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