Hi Bruno,

I did  a 5-min lightning talk on web2py at the PyCon APAC event. The
slides are at:


>From my talk as well as talks by some others, I realize that:

- Rehearse the timing before you go onstage, 5-minutes is incredibly
- Stay on the topic, no more than 5-6 slides, don't read out any of
your slides
- Prepare & rehearse a quick demo of installation, DB admin interface,
a quick app - I demo'd wrapping some system commands in a web
interface using web2py
- Don't knock other frameworks

Best of luck


On Aug 10, 8:46 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On August 22 will present the lightning speech (only 5 minutes) at TDC2010 (
> The Developers Conference ) in São Paulo - Brazil
> TDC is a big event in São Paulo, with trails of speeches on various subjects
> related to software development.
> on sunday, Python will be the subject of a full day of speeches, I will try
> in just five minutes to show an overview of web2py and provide a focus on
> the DAL.
> any idea or advice?
> Google Translated TDC 
> pagehttp://translate.google.com.br/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF...

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