I just found out that you can actually share sessions with other apps
by adding this to your model:

session.connect(request, response, masterapp='myapp')

That solved the problem of having to authenticate separately for each

On Aug 24, 11:26 am, huimies <huim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What are the latest in integrating Auth with CAS?
> I found this bit in the auth code:
>             # use a central authentication server
>             cas = self.settings.login_form
>             cas_user = cas.get_user()
>             if cas_user:
>                 cas_user[passfield] = None
>                 user = self.get_or_create_user(cas_user)
>             elif hasattr(cas,'login_form'):
>                 return cas.login_form()
>             else:
>                 # we need to pass through login again before going on
>                 next = URL(r=request) + '?_next=' + next
>                 redirect(cas.login_url(next))
> What's that all about, some prototyping or is there already a way?
> Right now I have LDAP authentication for my apps, but I need to
> authenticate with each of my apps separately. What I'd really like to
> do is to modify CAS appliance to use LDAP as its backend and then use
> CAS with Auth for single sign on. Are there any plans in making auth
> work with CAS?

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