I agree with you. web2py does not care. It is the web server that
decides. The question that started this thread was about the built-in
web server and it does follow the thread model.

On Aug 24, 2:00 pm, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can't we at least have an acknowledgement that it is not necessary for
> web2py to use a thread per request model and that web2py could instead
> use an event model?
> WSGI can be viewed as an evil conspiracy to force Python web apps to
> follow the Apache thread per request model! Also with Apace mod_wsgi,
> Apache controls the Python process that web2py runs under! How evil
> and ugly!
> There is no inherent reason why web2py needs to run a separate thread
> for each NON static http request, if WSGI is not used!
> If web2py uses WSGI then a thread per request is forced upon web2py.
> This suits Apache but not web serves with better event driven models
> such as Lighttpd and Nginx
> For example Lighttpd does not even support WSGI. Instead web2py used
> fastcgi for communication Lighttpd via a UNIX socket and web2py then
> needlessly converts each request into a thread for handling by a WSGI
> handler!
> Why should web2py be forced into using a thread model? Anyone who
> writes PC applications avoids thread as if they are a plague. Even
> academics openly call using threads evil. Here is an article by Edward
> A. Lee professor at Berkely University with the title "The Problem
> with Threads" (PDF).
> John Heenan
> On Aug 25, 1:00 am, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There is absolutely no need to serve up static web pages of a pure
> > Python web app or a WGSI app with a separate thread.  It is
> > inefficient to use an inbuilt web server (of a Python web app) or
> > Apache (if WGSI used) to serve up static web pages using separate
> > threads. Both Lighttpd and Nginx are well known web servers that
> > thrash Apache in objective tests for static pages when a web server is
> > under load. These web servers use event handlers to serve static web
> > pages, not necessarily separate threads.
> > Of course the question remains, how much can the performance of WSGI
> > type apps be improved by an analogous event handling model within the
> > app and how much of a change in development style would be required to
> > take full advantage of such an approach. As far as I am aware these
> > questions has never even been posed.
> > Further background:
> > There is no need to use web2py to serve up its css pages, javascript
> > and images.  A compiled static language (such as C) web server can be
> > used instead.
> > The question then becomes which web server. The answer is obvious: web
> > servers that use event handlers to serve static web pages, not
> > necessarily threads. Unfortunately you will find religious bigots,
> > even on this forum, who will ridicule anyone who points out the
> > obvious. Expect abuse from this reply.
> > John Heenan
> > On Aug 24, 3:21 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > P.S. In the end the bottle neck is ALWAYS database access.
> > > On Aug 24, 12:20 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > In Java a serverlet, as far as I understand, is a class which conforms
> > > > to some API that allows it to serve one http request. Each instance is
> > > > executed in its own thread. The Python equivalent of the serverlet API
> > > > is a WSGI application and web2py is based on WSGI, therefore the
> > > > parallelization mechanism is equivalent to Java serverlets.
> > > > In web2py (the same in Django, Pylons, any any WSGI app) each http
> > > > request is executed in its own thread. Threads are recycled to server
> > > > non-concurrent requests and reuse database connections (pooling)
> > > > without need to close and reopen them. The web server can be
> > > > configured for a min number and a max number of threads.
> > > > I think the GIL in this context is a false problem. In fact in
> > > > production you can use Apache and run as many processes as the number
> > > > of cores that you have. Each process will create as many threads as it
> > > > needs to server multiple requests. The GIL is a problems only if one
> > > > process runs multiple threads on multiple cores. It is possible there
> > > > are some caveats with many cores but I have not really played with
> > > > apache configurations and benchmarks.
> > > > I do not think using Jython helps anything. According to these tests:
> > > >  http://blog.dhananjaynene.com/2008/07/performance-comparison-c-java-p...
> > > >  http://pyevolve.sourceforge.net/wordpress/?p=1189
> > > > Jython is 2x-3x slower than cpython. So you may get better scaling
> > > > with multiple cores but you pay huge perfomance hit.
> > > > Web2py runs on Jython but there is a known bug in Java regular
> > > > expressions that Sun marked as "won'tfix" that can cause runaway
> > > > problems when parsing complex templates. This is not a web2py specific
> > > > problem but we have seen effects of the bug in some web2py apps.
> > > > Massimo
> > > > On Aug 23, 11:29 pm, pierreth <pierre.thibau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hello,
> > > > > I would like to know how Web2py is managing threads. Is it like Java
> > > > > servlets where requests are mapped to servlets while one servlet
> > > > > object can be used by multiple threads at the same time to serve many
> > > > > requests?
> > > > > Are some users here using Jython with Web2py to get around the ugly
> > > > > Pyhton GIL? I would to know about your experience.
> > > > > ------------------
> > > > > Pierre

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