As I know, at least this is manual's bug.

In the mannual, it use
<a href="{{=URL(args=[page+1])}}">next</a>

But, it will raise error, I use this line instead
<a href="{{=URL(r=request, args=[page+1])}}">next</a>

On 8月25日, 上午1時55分, Vidul Petrov <> wrote:
> Not sure if this help, but you may want to take a look at this
> Pagination class:
> On Aug 24, 6:37 pm, dlin <> wrote:
> > ref:
> > In following code, there is two problem:
> > 1. The 'next' button always show.  And the len(rows) always = 2
> > 2. I don't know how to proper show the {{=rows}} without last row, I
> > want to use the odd row background-color trick.
> > I wrote simliar code in
> > -----------------------------------------
> > def listall():
> >     if len(request.args): page=int(request.args[0])
> >     else: page=0
> >     items_per_page=2
> >     limitby=(page*items_per_page,(page+1)*items_per_page + 1)
> >     words= db().select(db.mytable.ALL, limitby=limitby)
> >     cols = [ 'mytable.' + c for c in db.mytable.fields()[1:]]
> >     hdrs = dict([(str(c),c.label) for c in db.mytable])
> >     rows =SQLTABLE(words,
> >          headers = hdrs,
> >          columns=cols,
> >          truncate=32)
> >     rows['_id'] = 'rows'
> >     return dict(rows=rows, page=page, items_per_page=items_per_page)
> > And the view listall.html:
> > -------------------------------
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > {{=rows}}
> > page:{{=page}} <br />
> > len(rows):{{=len(rows)}} <br />
> > {{if page:}}
> > <a href="{{=URL(r=request, args=[page-1])}}">previous</a>
> > {{pass}}
> > {{if len(rows)>=items_per_page:}}
> > <a href="{{=URL(r=request, args=[page+1])}}">next</a>
> > {{pass}}
> > <script>jQuery("#rows tr:odd").css("background-color", "#bbbbff");</
> > script>

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