what is the code that generates the url for the ajax callbask?

On Sep 4, 4:45 pm, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> I have a controller that takes an argument, which is the id of a row
> in mytable. If the arg is present, then the row is displayed at the
> top of the page and all the rows are displayed at the bottom of the
> page. Otherwise, the first item in mytable is displayed.
> The rows at the bottom of the page have ajax links on them, which if
> clicked, will update only the one selected item at the top of the
> page.
> So, select
> mytable.id==1 by default 
> andhttp:// select
> mytable.id==21.
> In the first case, when I browse the list of rows at the bottom of the
> page, I could click on the entry for mytable.id 5 and the URL that
> would be displayed would behttp://
> and the selected item at the top of the page is properly updated to be
> mytable.id==5.
> However, in the second case, when the url starts 
> athttp:// I click on the
> entry for mytable.id 5, I get an internal server error from
> jquery.min.js and the url now looks 
> likehttp://
> I don't know how to debug jquery.min.js and I'm not even sure it's the
> culprit. Anyone have any suggestions about how to approach this?

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