
I think this can be added to the relevant section of the book, I
didn't find anything about that, also on the internet...

Thanks a lot, though.


On 8 Set, 03:08, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Sorry for the lat reply. This is not a bug. This is a design issue and
> tradeoff.
> In fact there is a single virtualfields instance, the one you create
> in:
>    db.test.virtualfields.append(TestLazy())
> and not one instance per record. There are two reasons for this:
> 1) allows cumulative virtualfields (values that depends on previous
> records)
> 2) save memory
> You can replace your code
> class TestLazy:
>     def lazy_test_field(self):
>         def lazy(self=self):
>             return
>         return lazy
> with
> class TestLazy:
>     def lazy_test_field(self):
>         from copy import copy
>         def lazy(self=copy(self)):
>             return
>         return lazy
> and this would work as you expect. It is just that DAL leaves to you
> the responsibility of making the copy and using the extra memory and
> does not do it automatically because most of the cases it would be a
> waste.
> Massimo
> On Aug 21, 6:22 pm, Niphlod <> wrote:
> > so, I read the docs and.....
> > I think either there's a bug or I'm doing something wrong....
> > in
> > ---------------
> > .....
> > db.define_table('test',
> >                 Field('name', length=5)
> >                 )
> > class TestLazy:
> >     def lazy_test_field(self):
> >         deflazy(self=self):
> >             return
> >         returnlazy
> > class TestNotLazy:
> >     def not_lazy_test_field(self):
> >         return
> > db.test.virtualfields.append(TestLazy())
> > db.test.virtualfields.append(TestNotLazy())
> > ----------------
> > Testing in the shell
> > web2py Shell Version 1.83.2 (2010-08-15 08:16:30)
> > In[0]:  set = db(>0).select()
> > Out[0]:
> > In[1]:  set.as_dict()
> > Out[1]: {1: {'name': 'miao', 'id': 1, 'not_lazy_test_field': 'miao'},
> > 2: {'name': 'bau', 'id': 2, 'not_lazy_test_field': 'bau'}}
> > In[2]:for row in set:
> >     print,, row.not_lazy_test_field
> > Out[2]:
> > 1 miao miao
> > 2 bau bau
> > In[3]:
> > for row in set:
> >     print,, row.not_lazy_test_field,
> > row.lazy_test_field
> > Out[3]:
> > 1 miao miao <functionlazyat 0x2e5c2a8>
> > 2 bau bau <functionlazyat 0x308ec80>
> > In[4]:
> > for row in set:
> >     print,, row.not_lazy_test_field,
> > row.lazy_test_field()
> > Out[4]:
> > 1 miao miao bau
> > 2 bau bau bau
> > sorry for the unmeaning data in the set, but...seems thatlazy
> > virtualfield is evaluated every line (different hash function when you
> > try to print row.lazy_test_field without parenthesis, In[3]) but it
> > returns data computed for the last line in the all the rows
> > of the set itself (In[4])
> > Can somebody point me in the right direction ?
> > Thanks- Nascondi testo citato
> - Mostra testo citato -

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