
I have this test case:

1. User registers in app.
2. App sends him greeting email ("Welcome to so-and-so app").
3. App adds his email/name etc to mailing application (like Mailchimp)
for auto-subscribing to newsletter.

Now user expects steps 1 completion to take him to the next 'default/
index' page, and we don't want steps 2 and 3 to prevent completion of
step 1. Is there a way to make step 2 and 3 complete independently, in
a way that user's experience is not slowed down?

Think of it as being equivalent of asynchronous ajax request, which
doesn't wait for response before moving to the next piece of

Any help on this? I know we should not create threads because web2py
handles that for us (read in some older post long long ago).

-- Adi

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