
I'm writing a relatively big database application. A small part of it
requires me to handle lists of values, where every list can only exist
once, and where each item in the list can only exist once (but
different lists can have items named the same way).
A simplified model is:

db.define_table('lists', Field('name'))
db.define_table('list_items', Field('list',db.lists), Field('name')).

(there exists more fields but they are irrelevant to the current

I am now writing an interface to define new lists. I would like to use
SQLFORM to generate the forms required. I would like to use the
validators IS_NOT_EMPTY() and IS_NOT_IN_DB() to make sure there will
not exist two lists with the same name. The problem is that I would
also like to make a similar validation on the items of the list, but
to restrict the IS_NOT_IN_DB() to a set containing the list items.

In the book it gives an example using SQLFORM.factory() on how this
should be done, but when I simply use SQLFORM(db.list_items) I don't
know how to access the different fields to add a requires validator in
the action.

I've tried looking in the book and the group but was unable to find a
way to do so.

Omri Har-Shemesh

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