You are using # but you have to use @ for the decorador 

class PluginWikiWidgets(PluginWikiWidgets):
    def blabla(a,b):
            return blabla

Enviado via iPhone

Em 26/09/2010, às 22:59, "" <> 

> Hi,
> I have been following the video at
> I'm impressed by the possibilities of this plugin and I was able to
> successfully run the examples localy, but I ran into a problem when
> trying to duplicate the tutorial's example of creating a new widget.
> I believe I copied the code correctly, but I receive the following
> error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/home/xa21/web2py/applications/mypwiki/models/",
> line 584, in render_widget
>    html = getattr(PluginWikiWidgets,name)(**args)
> TypeError: unbound method sayhi() must be called with
> PluginWikiWidgets instance as first argument (got nothing instead)
> I'm running version 1.85.3 of web2py on fedora linux, and my python
> version is 2.5.2
> The following is the code I entered
> .... mypwiki/models/ ....................
> # coding: utf8
> class PluginWikiWidgets(PluginWikiWidgets):
>    #staticmethod
>    def sayhi(message='Welcome'):
>        """
>        This plugin just says hi
>        """
>        return SPAN(message,auth.user.first_name)
> .............................................................
> ... Home ....................................................
> # Example of custom widget
> ``
> name: sayhi
> message: Welcome
> ``:widget
> .............................................................
> I'm hoping someone can point out the source of my error.
> Thanks in advance, - Tom

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