also note that you can enable billing but ensure you never pay by
allocating the resources to something you don't use - eg sending

On Sep 15, 8:23 pm, "Martin.Mulone" <> wrote:
> First to use blobstore you have to enabled billing. Yes for your
> approach i think the best is to use blobstore in gae.
> Take a look to this:
> And to display images use the new introduce function get_serving_url
> is really fast and doesnt consume much resources
> you have to store blob_key)
> def _response_image(table_name='images',image_size=64):
>     if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
>         from google.appengine.ext import blobstore
>         from google.appengine.api import images
>         if not request.args:
>             raise HTTP(404)
>         myimages=db(db[table_name].image==request.args[0]).select()
>         if myimages:
>             myimage = myimages[0]
>             if myimage.blob_key:
>                 if GAE_SERVING_IMAGE:
>                     image_serving =
> images.get_serving_url(myimage.blob_key,image_size)
>                     return image_serving
> On 15 sep, 07:08, István Gazsi <> wrote:
> > Hi everybody!
> > As part of a website I try to make an image gallery in web2py. The
> > database model is simple: there is a 100x100 thumbnail, the whole
> > picture, and (optionally) the image's title.
> > The website runs on Google App Engine and web2py v1.83.2 for now.
> > There are multiple problems with it. First, I can only upload images
> > under 1MB. Second, the gallery page loads very slowly (I make a select
> > for only 25 records in web2py), and in the GAE logs there is always
> > warnings about memory usage.
> > For the first problem the solution would be using the GAE blobstore,
> > but I don't really know how to do that. Is it implemented in web2py?
> > For the second problem I don't know the solution.
> > If you would do an image gallery like mine from the ground up, how
> > would you do that? And do you have any advices about my problems?
> > Thanks in advance!

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