i think the future is html5, html5 is getting webcam and voice
support. As google said the future of applications are web

On Oct 6, 11:42 am, mart <msenecal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think someone mentioned something about that openSource Natural
> Language Toolkit (http://www.nltk.org/) last month, which is I think
> is a most worthy effort. My employer is a leader in this field, and
> unfortunately no API is available to the openSource community (not
> even a "dummied" down version version of their sdk - and probably
> never will be). Which is too bad, some would probably do a lot of good
> for lots of good people out there were these fine tools available...
> Web2py with a bang? I have often read in postings in the group over
> the the last few months about the wish for getting exposure for web2py
> (as I do as well). I think this is another one of those occasions...
> Can we imagine an open source project, obviously built on web2py! ;),
> who's purpose is bettering the lives of those needing it?
> Why and why not? because sooner or later someone will do it and it may
> as well be built on the the most intuitive framework out there!
> can anyone else see it?
> - voiceCmd login
> - open email.app
> - web2Py.text2Voice("open & read")
> - web2py.phone(friend.id,blablabla)
> -
> voiceCmd(login.Massimos_LearningManagementSystem.createCourse(myFavoriteSub 
> ject))
> "RingRingRing"  - voiceCmd(setAutoResponse(answerAndReplyNow(), "will
> call back later, too busy to answer!"))"
> Ok, last early-morning-not-caffeinated-enough thought... (then back to
> reality/work :( )
>     The kids - the kids need to be on web2py for learning about the
> technologies they will be inheriting @ a early enough age, and to
> enable them as well (specially when dealing with challenges!) - i.e.
> my daughter @ 7 new enough about basic programming (with python) to do
> a few little things. Benefit: raised confidence 1000 fold - now trying
> to learn about that world on the web (but cautiously and safely! ;))
> via web2py, which keeps daddy on his toes, (or at least trying)...
> so, googleVoice + nltk (+ web2py "learning about web2py app
> development for kids") = win/win & win
> The moral: web2py can be made to enable.. as well :)
> thanks,
> Mart :)
> On Oct 6, 12:10 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> >http://code.google.com/p/pygooglevoice/

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