I was working on it live. Sorry. Fixed now.

On Oct 10, 4:22 pm, Rowdy <da...@fielden.com.au> wrote:
> mdipierro wrote:
> > New web2py layout:
> >    http://web2py.com
> > Thanks Bruno and Martin
> > New demo_admin:
> >    http://web2py.com/demo_admin
> > Massimo
> Looks good, clean, professional, consistent.
> Some comments:
> 1. The black icons for the links on the lower right (User Groups,
>     Twitter ...) stand out from the rest of page.  They look a bit dark
>     and angular compared to the slightly softer look of the rest of the
>     site.  Maybe buttons like the ones on the Download page would look
>     better.
> 2. The download link was returning a 404 error this morning (about 10
>     minutes ago), but just seems to have fixed itself.
> Rowdy

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