Just a quick note here about the ones i've worked on (i'm flattered
that they made the list!)

tenthrow.com has been running for over a year now, and is running a
slightly outdated version of web2py.  it is running on Slicehost with
cherokee and postgrest.

elizabethscanvas.org is still a secret. ;)  there are some significant
updates happening in the next couple of weeks and then we will start
pushing the site.  it's running on Google App Engine.

a third application that is invisible is that the database for the
starmaker app family (http://starmakerapp.com/) is running web2py on
the google app engine TO BE CLEAR the website and iphone app have
nothing to do with web2py, they just both use web services calls to a
web2py application to store and retrieve data.

hope that helps, and i'm happy to answer questions about those apps.


On Oct 10, 8:31 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can be done with this Jquery plugin -http://fredhq.com/projects/roundabout/
> and thumbs withhttp://www.pageglimpse.com/
> 2010/10/10 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
> > I think we have enough links that the web2py main index page could
> > contain a slideshow of images of web2py powered sites
> > On Oct 10, 7:50 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > A student of one of my classes of web2py training in Brazil, research the
> > > web and made a list of websites powered by web2py.
> > > he separates in categories: Populars, Great Ones, Good ones and which
> > keeps
> > > scaffold layout.
> > > I found good designed websites in that list.
> > >http://www.elizabethscanvas.org/http://www.qakit.com/http://ru.ly/(<http://www.elizabethscanvas.org/http://www.qakit.com/http://ru.ly/%28>an
> > > URL shortener)
> > > Forwarded is the entire list, do you know someone else?
> > > -------
> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > From: Rene Guerrero <rene.......@gmail.com>
> > > Date: 2010/10/10
> > > Subject: Sites que utilizam web2py
> > > To: rochacbr...@gmail.com
> > > Bruno
> > > Participei no seu curso de web2py básico na Tempo Real Eventos em 28 de
> > > agosto em São Paulo.
> > > Desde aquela data até hoje tenho me dedicado a estudar o web2py.
> > > Paralelamente fui na web procurar exemplos de sites desenvolvidos com o
> > > web2py.
> > > Encontrei vários, que classifiquei seguindo meu conceito de sites melhor
> > > desenvolvidos, mais complexos ou mais bonitos.
> > > Espero que sejam de alguma ajuda para você poder utilizar na sua tarefa
> > > evangelizadora deste framework.
> > > Para alguns deles não indico a página inicial, porque a mencionada me
> > > pareceu mais esclarecedora.
> > > Nem todos indicam inicialmente que foram feitos com web2py. Uns poucos só
> > > indicam sua origem em algum lugar dentro dos respectivos blogs (da
> > empresa
> > > ou do autor).
> > > Conhecidos:
> >http://web2pyslices.com/main/default/indexhttp://www.pyforum.org/http...
> > > Bons:
> >http://www.latnblack.com/http://auctionall.info/hausstandhttp://www.q...
> > > <http://www.justindressel.com/>http://web2pybrasil.com.br
> > > Algo menos:
> >http://ga2arch.appspot.com/https://backdoorhiding.appspot.com/http://...
> > > Bem menos:
> >http://www.futurelogic.com/init/default/wiki/Currentshttp://w2popenid...
> > > No caso da última lista, este sites mostram praticamente a mesma
> > > configuração visual default do web2py, com poucas alterações.
> > > Ainda estou aguardando que seja completado o número mínimo para poder
> > > participar do seu curso avançado de web2py.
> > > Por enquanto e "hasta la vista",
> > > René Guerrero Contreras
> --
> http://rochacbruno.com.br

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