since upload forms do not work in web2py components anyway this code
could be integrated into web2py without the ajaxForm script itself

On Oct 11, 1:35 pm, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> as I posted before I am trying to fix the issue of ajax uploads
> The problem:
> upload fields do not work in ajax loaded components
> The solution:
> modify web2py_ajax.html
> on the top add
> response.files.insert(3,URL(r=request,c='static/
> js',f='jquery.form.js'))
> a bit below change the code to
> function web2py_trap_form(action,target) {
>    jQuery('#'+target+' form').each(function(i){
>       var form=jQuery(this);
>       if(!form.hasClass('no_trap')){
>          if(form.find('.upload').length>0){
>             //using ajaxForm has the disadvantage that the header is
> not returned in xhr
>             //can this be fixed in the ajaxForm plugin???
>              form.ajaxForm({
>                 url: action,
>                 success: function(data, statusText, xhr) {
>                     complete_web2py_ajax_page(xhr, data, action,
> target)
>                 }
>              });
>          }else{
>             form.submit(function(obj){
>              jQuery('.flash').hide().html('');
>              web2py_ajax_page('post',action,form.serialize(),target);
>              return false;
>             });
>          }
>       }
>    });}
> function complete_web2py_ajax_page (xhr, text, action, target){
>       var html=xhr.responseText;
>       var content=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content');
>       var command=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-command');
>       var flash=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-flash');
>       var t = jQuery('#'+target);
>       if(content=='prepend') t.prepend(html);
>       else if(content=='append') t.append(html);
>       else if(content!='hide') t.html(html);
>       web2py_trap_form(action,target);
>       web2py_ajax_init();
>       if(command) eval(command);
>       if(flash) jQuery('.flash').html(flash).slideDown();}
> function web2py_ajax_page(method,action,data,target) {
>   jQuery.ajax({'type':method,'url':action,'data':data,
>     'beforeSend':function(xhr) {
>       xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-
> location',document.location);
>       xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-element',target);},
>     'complete':function(xhr,text){
>         complete_web2py_ajax_page(xhr, text, action, target);
>       }
>     });
> }
> however this still has a problem
> if there is an upload field it will use ajaxForm which does some
> iFrame magic to upland the uploads. by doing this it will loose the
> response header and thus web2py-component-command and web2py-component-
> flash ...
> you can fix the flash by using
> session.flash (?not sure if this is true but I think it worked)
> and write the component-command directly into the returned HTML
> it would be nice if the header could be reconstructed by the ajaxform
> pluginhttp://github.com/malsup/form/blob/master/jquery.form.js
> somewhere around line 354 the dummy header object is constructed
> I have no clue if retrieving the header and rebuilding it is even
> possible because my js knowledge is still quite limited ... maybe
> somebody could help me out here and tell me if it is possible or not

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