this is a major bug introduced in 1.87.2. Will post 1.87.3 today.

On Oct 13, 6:21 am, Omri <> wrote:
> I came here to report this bug as well.
> I did a workaround - it comes from the beginning of the
> file.
> For the meantime I put the if DEMO_MODE: inside a try..except block.
> I'm not sure this is robust but at least it works:
> try:
>     if DEMO_MODE:
>         response.flash = T('disabled in demo mode')
>         redirect(URL('default','site'))
> except:
>     pass
> hope this helps,
> Omri
> On Oct 13, 11:50 am, DenesL <> wrote:
> > Same problem here.
> > Create new app, click on "database administration" link, error.
> > On Oct 13, 2:43 am, Joe J <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >   I have a newly updated web2py install.  If I create a new
> > > application and click on any controller associated with the
> > >, I get a DEMO_MODE is not defined error.  This is before
> > > doing any sort of coding.  Am I missing some sort of configuration
> > > setting?
> > > Any help is much appreciated.
> > > Joe
> > > Version web2py Version 1.87.2 (2010-10-12 15:23:17)
> > > Error traceback
> > > 1.
> > > 2.
> > > 3.
> > > 4.
> > > 5.
> > > 6.
> > > 7.
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "/Users/jjasinsk/Sites/web2py/web2py/gluon/", line
> > > 188, in restricted
> > >     exec ccode in environment
> > >   File "/Users/jjasinsk/Sites/web2py/web2py/applications/asdf/
> > > controllers/", line 14, in <module>
> > >     if DEMO_MODE:
> > > NameError: name 'DEMO_MODE' is not defined
> > > Error snapshot
> > > Detailed traceback description
> > >     * Exception: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>(name 'DEMO_MODE' is not
> > > defined)
> > >       Exception instance attributes
> > >           o __setattr__: <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __reduce_ex__: <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __getslice__: <method-wrapper '__getslice__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __getitem__: <method-wrapper '__getitem__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __setstate__: <built-in method __setstate__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __getattribute__: <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __str__: <method-wrapper '__str__' of exceptions.NameError
> > > object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o args: ("name 'DEMO_MODE' is not defined",)
> > >           o __reduce__: <built-in method __reduce__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __format__: <built-in method __format__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __class__: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
> > >           o __dict__: {}
> > >           o __delattr__: <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __subclasshook__: <built-in method __subclasshook__ of
> > > type object at 0x10011b640>
> > >           o __repr__: <method-wrapper '__repr__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __init__: <method-wrapper '__init__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __hash__: <method-wrapper '__hash__' of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __sizeof__: <built-in method __sizeof__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __doc__: 'Name not found globally.'
> > >           o __unicode__: <built-in method __unicode__ of
> > > exceptions.NameError object at 0x10160cc68>
> > >           o __new__: <built-in method __new__ of type object at
> > > 0x10011b640>
> > >     * Python 2.6.1: /opt/local/bin/python
> > > File /Users/jjasinsk/Sites/web2py/web2py/gluon/ in
> > > restricted at line 188
> > > [ code | arguments | variables ]
> > > Function argument list: (code='# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n#
> > > #####################...k=disk)\n\n
> > > \nresponse._vars=response._caller(index)\n', environment={'A': <class
> > > 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class ''>, 'B': <class
> > > 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY':
> > > <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER':
> > > <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP': <class
> > > 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>,
> > > 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...}, layer='/Users/
> > > jjasinsk/Sites/web2py/web2py/applications/asdf/controllers/
> > >')
> > > 183.
> > > 184.
> > > 185.
> > > 186.
> > > 187.
> > > 188.
> > > 189.
> > > 190.
> > > 191.
> > > 192.
> > >         if type(code) == types.CodeType:
> > >             ccode = code
> > >         else:
> > >             ccode = compile2(code,layer)
> > > exec ccode in environment
> > >     except HTTP:
> > >         raise
> > >     except Exception:
> > >         # XXX Show exception in Wing IDE if running in debugger
> > >     * environment: {'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class
> > > ''>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class
> > > 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR':
> > > <class 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>,
> > > 'CLEANUP': <class 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class
> > > 'gluon.html.CODE'>, 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...}
> > >     * ccode: <code object <module> at 0x10138d300, file "/
> > > Use...plications/asdf/controllers/", line 7>
> > > File /Users/jjasinsk/Sites/web2py/web2py/applications/asdf/controllers/
> > > in <module> at line 14
> > > [ code | arguments | variables ]
> > > Function argument list: ()
> > > 9.
> > > 10.
> > > 11.
> > > 12.
> > > 13.
> > > 14.
> > > 15.
> > > 16.
> > > 17.
> > > 18.
> > > import datetime
> > > import copy
> > > import gluon.contenttype
> > > import gluon.fileutils
> > > if DEMO_MODE:
> > >     response.flash = T('disabled in demo mode')
> > >     redirect(URL('default','site'))
> > > # ## critical --- make a copy of the environment
> > >     * DEMO_MODE: undefined

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