Also, although ordering the logos randomly by default is a good idea,
it would also be helpful to allow the user to select ordering by most
recently submitted (and possibly by number of votes). At this point, I
have seen all the logos submitted so far, so when I check the site, I
just want to see the most recent submissions, which is difficult with
the logos ordered randomly (the random ordering is also a hassle when
returning from viewing/submitting comments because it re-randomizes
the list on each re-load).



On Oct 17, 5:40 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> So, what's happening with the voting method? As already discussed at
> length, the one-vote-per-person method isn't a good idea with so many
> entries (particularly with sets of similar logos). For example, #5 and
> #17 are probably splitting votes.
> We really should implement one of the other suggested methods:
> * Approval Voting (vote for as many logos as you want): Probably the
> easiest to implement, and should handle the "clone" problem. (Still
> need the ability to change one's vote(s)).
> * Ratings: Though for this to work, either everyone has to rate every
> logo, or for each voter, each un-rated logo has to be assigned the
> lowest possible value (e.g., 1 star).
> * Ranking: Preferably using the Schulze method for tallying. Probably
> the most complex to implement.
> If we're not going to do any of the above, then at the very least, we
> should go back to showing the _number_ of votes for each logo (no need
> to show the names -- they should remain anonymous). That way, at least
> we could see if we are splitting (and possibly wasting) our votes and
> then shift our support to a logo we like that has a chance of winning.
> If we stick with the current voting method, with 50+ logos, we could
> easily end up with a "winner" that gets the support of only a small
> percentage of the voters.
> Also, is the voting deadline still Oct. 19?
> Thanks.
> Anthony
> On Oct 13, 5:17 pm, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> > Martin Mulone made the logovote application.
> > I am hosting at my server
> > You can post logo ideas, and vote for you prefered logo.
> > Better if you made an transparent canvas .gif or .png maximum 250x70
> > Maximum of 10 uploads per user, Just one vote per user.
> > Take a look: Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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