I gave it a try. I made three copies of the layout.html file, renamed
them user_x.html, user_y.html and user_z.html, and entered a fixed
title to be able to distinguish between the layouts.

I enabled auth and entered a number of mock users in db.auth_user, in
db.auth_group I entered three roles user_x, user_y and user_z, and in
db.auth_membership I gave the users membership of a group.

In the default controller I defined a function layout:

def layout():
    if auth.has_membership(role='user_x'):
    elif auth.has_membership(role='user_y'):
    return dict(layout=layout)

I created a default/layout.html view and had it extend layout:

{{extend layout}}
<h1>This is the default/layout.html template</h1>

I logged in several times as different users, and it SEEMS to work,
but only as long as you don't byte compile the application. I don't
know whether there is a solution for that problem.



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