Hello All,

I'm writing a web application using qooxdoo as the client framework
and web2py as the server. Almost all of the communication between the
client and the server are done through the JSON-RPC service.

Since I found myself writing @service.jsonrpc functions by the dozens,
I was beginning to wonder what would be considered as best-practices.
Should I write a very general function that basically exposes the
database to the client side? Should a write many small functions, each
wrapping a database call (perhaps sometimes also doing some
calculations in the background)?

Should I opt to transfer large amounts of data at each JSON-RPC call
(to minimize server calls), or only ask for the data when needed?

This web-application is intended to be internal to my company, with no
more than 30 users, and probably no more than 10 simultaneously.

Any thoughts/opinions/discussions are welcome :)


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