On Oct 23, 10:52 pm, ron_m <ron.mco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The rows is a dict so if you apply the keys() function you get a list
> of keys or values returns a list of values under the keys.
> rows = big_hairy_select_with_joins
> for row in rows:
>   for table in row.values()
>     for field in table.values()

Yes, it is a dict of dicts.   But the above doesn't return the vals in
the order they were queried.  If you are generating, say, JSON for
jqGrid, you need to know the order of the data.

Massimo's comment does what I want to do (and what I was already
doing), but I somehow felt that going to the second level the
[internal dicts] was relying on an internal implementation detail of

I was naively thinking that since Rows has colnames in the format
'table.column' that Row would know how to r['table.column'].
Actually, I still do.   ;-)

> rows_list = (big_hairy_select_with_joins).select().as_list()
> So now the query result is processed generically with no prior
> knowledge of the table or column names?

Again, that doesn't return them in the order queried.

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