If I have time, I would like to.

On Oct 25, 7:03 am, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> so will you integrate it into the current issue tracker?
> like a tab or button with "sort by number of occurrence"
> On Oct 25, 1:59 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Good idea!
> > On Oct 25, 6:37 am, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> > > Quite a while ago I wrote some code for my issue tracker to show error
> > > tickets by their number of occurrence.
> > > The Idea behind this is that you will see the error that appears most
> > > frequently and that needs fixing immediately. Since I am too busy to
> > > finish the issue tracker I will just share the relevant code
> > > screenshothttp://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~fkrause/screenshot_error_frequec...
> > > the controller
> > > error_files_base =
> > > os.path.join(request.env.web2py_path,'applications',request.application,'er­rors')
> > > def errors():
> > >    import operator
> > >    import os.path
> > >    import hashlib
> > >    import os
> > >    import pickle
> > >     #------------------------------------------
> > >     if request.vars.has_key('del'):
> > >         for fn in os.listdir(error_files_base):
> > >             try:
> > >                 error =
> > > pickle.load(open(os.path.join(error_files_base,fn),'r'))
> > >             except IOError:
> > >                 continue
> > >             hash = hashlib.md5(error['traceback']).hexdigest()
> > >             if request.vars['del'] == hash:
> > >                 os.remove( os.path.join(error_files_base,fn) )
> > >     #------------------------------------------
> > >     hash2error = dict()
> > >     for fn in os.listdir(error_files_base):
> > >         try:
> > >             error =
> > > pickle.load(open(os.path.join(error_files_base,fn),'r'))
> > >         except IOError:
> > >             continue
> > >         hash = hashlib.md5(error['traceback']).hexdigest()
> > >         try:
> > >             hash2error[hash]['count'] += 1
> > >         except KeyError:
> > >             error_lines = error['traceback'].split("\n")
> > >             last_line = error_lines[-2]
> > >             error_causer = os.path.split(error['layer'])[1]
> > >             hash2error[hash] = dict(count = 1, pickel = error, causer
> > > = error_causer, last_line = last_line, hash = hash)
> > >     decorated = [(x['count'],x) for x in hash2error.values()]
> > >     decorated.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
> > >     return dict(errors = [x[1] for x in decorated])
> > > the view
> > > <table id='trck_errors'>
> > > {{=THEAD(TR(TH('Delete'), TH('Count'), TH('File'), TH('Error')))}}
> > > <tbody>
> > > {{for e in errors:}}
> > > {{=TR(TD(BUTTON_DELETE(e['hash'])),
> > > TH(e['count']),TD(e['causer']),TD(e['last_line']),
> > > _onclick="collapse('%s');"%e['hash'])}}{{=TR(TD(DIV(CODE(e['pickel']
> > > ['traceback']), _id=e['hash']),_colspan=4 ))}}
> > > {{pass}}
> > > </tbody>
> > > </table>
> > > <script> $(document).ready(function(){
> > >     $('{{for e in errors:}}#{{=e['hash']}}, {{pass}}').hide();
> > >     }); </script>
> > > feel free to use and improve

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