*sharing a tip that came from "Facundo Batista" on PyConBrasil *

This is a way to pack a Python module as a .jar in Java

Fisrt we need to create a directory called foo, and create a __init__ file
to became a Python module

$mkdir foo

$touch foo/__init__.py

Then create/edit a file

$vi foo/bar.py

Something inside the file:

def foobar():

    print "Executing foobar function"

After that we create a new file called __main__.py in the same level as foo

from foo.bar import foobar


The tree

$ tree . .

├── foo

│ ├── bar.py

│ └── __init__.py

└── __main__.py

Until here, nothing new, but now we have to create a .zip file and pack it

$zip blablabla.zip __main__.py foo

The magic is here:

$python blablabla.zip

Executing foobar function

*YES! You can call a .zip file with Python! *

More on this..* (the real magic is here)*

Create a file called "xpto" with no extension

$vi xpto

Inside xpto write a python call and a write line:


# <blank line here>

Now, we have to include the whole content of blablabla.zip into this file
and give it execute permission.

$cat blablabla.zip >> xpto

$chmod +x xpto

DONE! Lets run

$ ./xpto

Executing foobar function


I saw the tip here

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