how are you passing along requests from apache to web2py ?
can you monitor if web2py actually receive all the headers you send ?

something like

def test():
    with"path/to/file", 'wb') as g:
       for k,v in request.env.iteritems():
             if k.startswith('http_'):
                   g.write("%s: %s" % (k,v))

in your controller should be enough. try to call app/controller/test
with username and password and go to see the log...

On Oct 28, 5:47 pm, "david.waldrop" <> wrote:
> I am very confused.  I have a simple service 'getmeetings' which is
> decorated as XMLRPC.  The call also requires authorization and basic
> authorization is enabled in  Here is what happens
>     1) When run locally on my dev machine - everything works, if i
> sent in valid id and pw i get results AND if i send in invalid
> password i get a 303 indicating no aurthorization.
>      2) When i run on the production machine (linux+apache) - i always
> get 303 even when sending in valid ID and pw.  If i remove the auth-
> required decorator the service gets invoked.
> I think this implies a problem with the authorization, possibly due to
> some environmental setting.  I am stuck and unable to figure this
> out.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> here is the original 
> post:

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