Just my 2 cents.

Using the DAL on anything but web2py is going to be a pain in the ass and a
nightmare waiting to happen. This is due to its inherent forced procedural
coding style. You "can" wrap DAL calls as methods, but it just gets really
messy. I'm a clean code zealot, so I bet I care more than most.

For any kind of software your developing that uses object oriented
programming, use a database system that is structured around classes and
declarative bases. You will find this is much much much easier to integrate
into, for example a wxWidgets program, than the DAL is.


On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  On 30-10-2010 12:06, rochacbruno wrote:
> Look this simple example:
>  http://bitbucket.org/rochacbruno/dal_on_flask/src/tip/dalFlask.py
>  I have a PyGTK app running very well, I will put the code online soon.
> hi Bruno,
> one other question,
> in the gtk application,
> do you access the database through a local server,
> or direct through a local disk location ?
> And in the latter case, how do you specify a hard disk location ?
> thanks,
> Stef
> Em 30/10/2010, às 06:33, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com> escreveu:
>   Interesting ...
> as I want to migrate to web2py
> and want to have some kind of DAL for my desktop applications,
> this sounds very good.
> Can you give me some guide lines, how to use the web2py DAL for desktop
> applications ?
> thanks,
> Stef Mientki
> On 19-10-2010 05:44, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> I know DAL was not made for that, but I'm using the DAL in a desktop
> application with PyGTK, and it is working very well :-)
> It is a simple application that monitors the presence of employees in a
> company and reads small CSV files from a time clock,
> people has cards that open the gates/doors of the company factory, I use a
> stream to read the track from serial port of time clock,
> then, I take the information serialized as CSV, I parse and write it into
> SQLite db, after that , the Janitor uses a PyGTK app to access that
> information.
> already been running for about 6 months, So far everything is working fine,
> but I can not run the automatic migrations.
> Does anyone know a way to make migration work automatically with DAL Stand
> Alone?
> I'm importing sql.py I'm connecting with SQLite, setting tables, accessing
> and doing out any crud operation.
> The only thing missing is to make migration works.
>  I already set migrate='Mytable.table' and I tried with migrate=True
>  ----
> An example of what I have working in my
>  "connect.py"
> >>> from gluon.sql import *
>  >>> db = DAL('sqlite://timeclock1.db')
> >>> Track =
> db.define_table('track',Field('regnumber','integer'),Field('action','integer'),Field('timestamp','datetime'),migrate='track.table')
>  "Form_workflow.py"
> >>> Track.insert(regnumber=123,action=2,timestamp='2010-10-19')
> 1
> >>> Track.insert(regnumber=124,action=2,timestamp='2010-10-19')
> 2
> >>> db.commit
>  Until here, its ok.
>  But now I am wanting to change the model, and including
> Field('department')
>  "connect.py"
>  >>> Track =
> db.define_table('track',Field('regnumber','integer'),Field('action','integer'),Field('timestamp','datetime'),
> *Field('department')*,migrate='track.table')
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/bin/DAL/gluon/sql.py", line 1346, in define_table
>     raise SyntaxError, 'invalid table name: %s' % tablename
> SyntaxError: invalid table name: track
> >>>
>  ----
>  If this is not possible, I'll have to create new fields in SQLite and then
> update my model.

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