
I'm a new to web2py and web programming, so bear with me if this is a
basic question.  I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically update a
button based on a return value from a python function.

Here's a little more background on my project.  I'm trying to create
an instrument panel that has a single button which controls power on/
off to a remote device on my local network.  Without going into too
much detail, when the button is pressed it passes a '1' to a python
function which ultimately turns the device on through tcp modbus.  The
remote device then responds with a '1' indicating power is on and I
pass this value back from the controller to the view.  When I press
the same button again, it sends a '0' out which turns off the device
and it responds with a '0'.  Now how do I use this '1' or '0' response
to either update the button color or refresh the entire page so the
button gets updated.  Currently, I have to manually refresh the page
as can seen below.

Everything is working except for the dynamic button refresh.  I am use
button colors to indicate the instrument status as follows green=on,
red=off.  Here is my code so far:

<style type="text/css">

{{if CH1==1:}}
   <input type="button" value="click me" class="greenbutton"
   <input type="button" value="click me" class="redbutton"

div id="target"></div>
<a href="javascript:history.go(0)">click to refresh page</a>

def CH1_ctrl():
   return dict(CH1=CH1)

Thanks in advance for any advice.  Please be explicit with your
answers.  As I said, I am new this stuff.

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