Somehow your parameters_*.py files are corrupted. I hope all your
files were updated and not some of them. I suggest:

0) close web2py
1) Delete parameters_*.py
2) unzip new web2py again over old one
3) start web2py with -a 'password' option and let it create the
parameters_*.py files.

On Nov 4, 3:39 pm, Argher <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently upgraded from 1.76.5 to 1.88.2 via the one-click upgrade
> button.  After a restart of, followed by a server restart,
> the admin interface mentioned that it was disabled due to no
> password.  I checked the parameters_8000 etc, which corroborated that,
> and said password=None.  I manually edited that to have password =
> the password used prior for admin purposes, and started seeing
> internal tickets issued when trying to access the admin interface
> instead of the "disabled due to no password" error.
> This is actually two questions -
> 1) What in what I did could have caused this error / how do I fix that
> and get admin working properly again (the sites work fine themselves,
> just not the admin interface).
> 2) Is there a way to view the generated tickets for self-
> troubleshooting on the server itself, via ssh/vim and so forth, even
> if you can't access the admin page to view them?  I'd rather fix my
> problems myself before bothering others :).
> Thanks!
> Robert

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