THX mr.freeze

Yeah request.vars, but the vars=dict is already set in "callback =",
how can I add the Javascript var to the vars=dict?

On loadComplete: I set the server_time var("last successful relaod")
and * 1000..after 1 seconds * the ReloadGrid calls the URL with the
included server_time var, now the called controller(
can check for new/updated records with
last_update=request.vars.server_time new_items since last_update or
With "URL(vars=dict(" the Problem is that I
need to set the server _time var to "last successful relaod", but with
this method i am passing "".

Any further suggestions...

Dieter Asman

On 7 Nov., 15:25, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> Anything that is put in the vars dict of a URL will end up in
> request.vars when navigated to. For example:
> URL(vars=dict( will be
> request.vars.server_time.  Is that what you're asking?
> On Nov 7, 3:12 am, AsmanCom <> wrote:
> > Can I include the var server_time in the vars=dict somehow?
> > THX

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