I do not think this is locking web2py. But there are two
- if you are using sqlite, the database is locked (sqlite cannot be
accessed concurrently)
- the user session is locked. This means the user who called the long
running process cannot access other actions until his session is
unlocked. You can do this manually in th long running action
(session._unlock()) assuming it does not save anything in the session.

On Nov 10, 11:54 pm, VP <vtp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this problem that I think is related to threading and web2py.
> I have an apache2 standard setup with web2py.
> One of the function (in controller) is computing intensive, taking up
> to 10+ seconds to execute.   When this function is called 
> (i.e.http://domain/app/func), the app is locked up.  Other functions can
> not be run until this function is done.
> I remember the book mentions the default web2py config is supposed to
> have up to 15 threads.  So, this behavior shouldn't happen right?
> Any help is appreciated.

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