>From a syntactical point of view it would not take much to support
multi-table circular references in web2py. That is not why they are
not implemented, They are not implemented because they are bad design

If this is a 1-1 relation, there is no need to table A to refer to B
and B to A. It is sufficient that A points to B.

If this is a many-many this should be done via a link table.

I cannot think of any test case when this is a good idea. web2py sets
constraints for the purpose of enforcing good practice.


On Nov 11, 10:05 am, DenesL <denes1...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Some of you have missed Mirek's point, and he has a very valid one.
> The problem is circular references.
> There are ways around it but no elegant solution yet.
> There was discussion some time ago about lazy evaluation of tables.
> I also would like to see this solved in web2py.
> Denes.
> On Nov 11, 10:36 am, Mirek Zvolský <zvol...@seznam.cz> wrote:
> > >> Here's a link to the section in the book:
> > >>http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Self-Reference-and-Aliases
> > Yes, I know this, and from that reason I always use 'reference..'
> > style syntax.
> > However this is about very special foreign keys, which targets to same
> > table (to the primary key in same table).
> > And if there is some cycle in joins in the model (and of course it
> > always is, except of very, very simple models), this will not help.
> > And there is realy no solution for this in web2py ??

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