Thanks Johann for confirming this problem.

Massimo, is there another easier/faster/better way to solve this in a
production environment?.



On Nov 15, 2:57 am, Johann Spies <> wrote:
> On 13 November 2010 20:44, Carlos <> wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > I did not delete anything when this problem appeared, I just switched
> > from sqlite to postresql in the DAL.
> > Should I worry about this problem appearing again (in my local machine
> > or in a production environment)?.
> I have seen this several times when I change definitions of tables using
> Postgresql as backend.  What I normally do in such sitations is  to export
> the database table to a csv-file through Web2py or if that is not possible
> using either the commandline or PGAdminIII, drop the table and remove the
> table's entry in web2py/applications/myapp/databases.
> Web2py will then recreate the table and you can import the csv-file.  If the
> latter was created with outside web2py, you will have to edit the column
> headers before importing it.
> I am not sure whether this is good practice but this has saved me some
> frustrations.
> Regards
> Johann
> --
>  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
> and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for
> life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by
> his own glory and excellence.
>                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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