Nevermind, list comprehensions worked for me!!!

Thank you all :)

On 15 nov, 13:23, CesarBustios <> wrote:
> Ok, i did this (Kennnet way):
> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="activar" method="post">
>           <table style="text-align: center; width: 100%;" border="0"
> cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
>             {{for imagen in imagenes:}}
>                 <tr >
>                     <td width=10%><input type="radio" name=""
> value={{}}></td>
>                     <td align="left">
>                         <img src="{{=URL(request.application,
> f='download', args=imagen.archivo)}}" width=40%/>
>                     </td>
>                 </tr>
>             {{pass}}
>             <tr>
>                 <td></td>
>                 <td align="center"><br/><input value="Empezar a
> enviar" type="submit" /></td>
>             </tr>
>           </table>
>         </form>
> So what should i use in my controller instead of form.accepts?
> On 15 nov, 12:51, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > You can also do
> > def index():
> >     fields=['a','b','c']
> >     form=SQLFORM.factory(*[Field(name) for name in fields]))
> >     if form.accepts(request):
> >         response.flash=str([form.vars[name] for name in fields])
> >     return dict(form=form)
> > On Nov 15, 11:46 am, CesarBustios <> wrote:
> > > Wow thanks guys, iĺl try and let you know :)
> > > On 15 nov, 12:39, Ivan Matveev <> wrote:
> > > > Maybe WebGrid( can
> > > > help you? I didn't use it but it says that it lets you build a table
> > > > that supports paging, sorting, editing and totals easily.
> > > > Or you can put forms in a SQLTABLE column. How to add columns to
> > > > SQLTABLE is being discussed in tread:
> > > > Manipulate Rows Object and/or SQLTABLE
> > > >

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