You better use JSON via Post , dont pass from URL.

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Lorin Rivers <> wrote:

> I've got the starttime and endtime portions figured out, how do I represent
> the Strings portion in a url?
> <Storage {'EndTime': '2010-11-08 22:00:00', 'String': ['S1', 'S2'],
> 'StartTime': '2010-11-08 21:00:00', '_formname': 'no_table_create'}>
> Without the string bits, the url looks something like this:
> <
> http://localhost:8000/Debug/reports/export_array_records.csv/?starttime=%222010-11-08%2021:45:00%22&endtime=%222010-11-08%2022:00:00%22
> >
> How should I construct a URL that includes the String bits?
> --
> Lorin Rivers
> Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
> <>
> 512/203.3198 (m)

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