This reads the entire file in ram. Only ok for small files. May be a
vulnerability if anybody can access this service.

On Nov 24, 5:16 pm, António Ramos <> wrote:
> i got xmlrpclib to transfer a file from python script to web2py app
> Here is my code
> *Python script*
> import xmlrpclib
> server = 
> xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('')
> filepath='c:\\'
> filename='ico.gif'
> filebin = xmlrpclib.Binary(open(filepath+filename).read())
> server.checkflow(filebin,filename)
> *
> and in my controller*
> import xmlrpclib
> import os
> @service.xmlrpc
> def checkflow(file,name):
>     basedir= request.folder.replace('/','')
>     f=open(basedir+'\\uploads\\'+name,'wb')
>     db.image.insert(file=name)
>     f.write(
>     f.close()
>     print "ok"
>     return name
> def call():
>     session.forget()
>     return service()
> *
> my model*
> *
> *db.define_table('image',
>     Field('file','upload'))
> Is this a good practice?
> 2010/11/24 mdipierro <>
> > No
> > filename = request.vars.varwithFile.filename or 'filename.txt'
> > stream = request.vars.varwithFile.file or open(filename,'rb')
> >,filename=filename)
> > On Nov 24, 3:37 pm, António Ramos <> wrote:
> > > but if  i want, using the shell, to add and image manually
> > > do i use
> > >'file'=varwithFile)
> > > ?????
> > > *my test model is
> > > db.define_table('photo',
> > >     Field('file','upload'))*
> > > Best regards
> > > António

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