On Nov 26, 2010, at 16:35 , Steve Shepherd wrote:

> IF someone could help with some examples of answers would be great.

Someone less ignorant than I should answer that.

> 2. How do I trace through code. line by line and then inspect values in 
> variables or objects

This I just solved for myself.

The short answer for #2 is Eclipse with PyDev & Aptana.

There are some good instructions here (plus a script that will do much of the 

It took me 2 tries to get it working, one of the options is to copy all the 
files from your project into your workspace, which caused me problems.

That option is unclearly worded, so avoid all the copying option in the Eclipse 

Hope that helps!

If you are on the Mac I could probably provide some more tips.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur.com>
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