
here is what I did:
    Field('f_parent','reference article'),

def index():
    rows = dict((r.id,r) for r in db(db.article).select())
    for id,row in rows.items(): row.children=[]
    for id,row in rows.items():
        if row.f_parent==1: root=row
        else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row)
    def tree(row):
        return DIV(H1(row.title),UL(*[LI(tree(child)) for child in
    return tree(root)

Here are the articles
article.id      article.f_parent        article.title
1       1       Racine
2       1       Branche1
3       1       Branche2

It gives me the following error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\sylvain\Bureau\web2py2\gluon
\restricted.py", line 188, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "C:/Documents and Settings/sylvain/Bureau/web2py2/applications/
test/controllers/default.py", line 66, in <module>
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\sylvain\Bureau\web2py2\gluon
\globals.py", line 96, in <lambda>
    self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "C:/Documents and Settings/sylvain/Bureau/web2py2/applications/
test/controllers/default.py", line 60, in index
    else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row)
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\sylvain\Bureau\web2py2\gluon
\sql.py", line 742, in __getattr__
    return dict.__getitem__(self,key)
KeyError: 'append'

T tried to modify :
        else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row)
        else: rows[row.children].append(row)
as it seems we're trying to build a list of children.
Yet i get another error : TypeError: list objects are unhashable

Can anybody help me ?

On 29 nov, 12:27, JmiXIII <sylvn.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's it I'll try it
> thanks a lot!
> On 29 nov, 00:48, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > I assume you are trying to build a hierarchial tree of articles and
> > you want them all from the parent.
> > I would do this something like this:
> > db.define_table('article',Field('f_parent','reference
> > article'),Field('title'))
> > def index():
> >     rows = dict((r.id,r) for r in db(db.article).select())
> >     for id,row in rows.items(): row.children=[]
> >     for id,row in rows.items():
> >         if row.f_parent==0: root=row
> >         else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row)
> >     def tree(row):
> >         return DIV(H1(row.title),UL(*[LI(tree(child)) for child in
> > row.children])))
> >     return tree(root)
> > On Nov 28, 5:00 pm, JmiXIII <sylvn.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I'm facing I guess a well known programming problem. It is not really
> > > related to web2by, but since I'm using web2py I hope somebody here can
> > > help.
> > > Here is my controller :
> > > def global_view():
> > >     parents = db(~(db.t_article.id==db.t_list.f_article)).select()
> > >     tree={}
> > >     for parent in parents:
> > >         tree[parent.t_article.id]={}
> > >         sublevel=db(parent.t_article.id==db.t_list.f_parent).select()
> > >         for son in sublevel:
> > >             tree[parent.t_article.id][son.f_article]=son.f_article
> > >             tree[parent.t_article.id][son.f_article]={}
> > >             sublevel2=db(son.f_article==db.t_list.f_parent).select()
> > >             for son2 in sublevel2:
> > >                 tree[parent.t_article.id][son.f_article]
> > > [son2.f_article]=son2.f_article
> > >                 
> > > tree[parent.t_article.id][son.f_article][son2.f_article]={}
> > >     return dict(tree=tree)
> > > So in fact I'd like to go on for son3, son4, based on the same model
> > > as sublevel2... until sublevelx=None.
> > > I guess I should use some kind of recursive or loop function.
> > > I've read different things using right and left variable for
> > > hierarchical tree, but it seems to me that it is possible to build a
> > > loop in my controller without modifying my model.
> > > Hope I do not disturb this groupes with this kind of question.

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