You have two forms both called form (the second overwrites the first
one) and you return only one of the

return dict(...,form=form)

You should call them form1 and form2 and return both.

On Dec 2, 9:52 am, Johann Spies <> wrote:
> Maybe I am just tired now.  I am struggling to find the mistake and will
> appreciate some help please.
> I want to select an ID from one table and use that ID to show the full
> record from one table and related records from another table.
> Two problems:
> 1.  If I use {{=form}} for the first form in ' show_fipil01' in the view I
> get two identical fields/labels on the screen with one submit button.  I
> could 'solve' this problem using a custom form in the view.
> 2. When I select an id, no redirect takes place and the debugging line
> (response.flash=repr(form.errors))  flash 'Storage {}'
>     I have also tried the redirect with
>      redirect(URL(r=request, f='show_fpipl01_data',vars=request_vars))  with
> the same result.
> My controllers:
> def show_fpipl01_data():
>        id =
>        form ='fpipl01',id)
>        data = SQLTABLE(db((db.fpipl01_data.form_id == id) &
>                           ( == db.fpipl01_data.teacher) &
>                           ( ==
> db.fpipl01_data.form_id,
> db.teacher.surname,
> db.fpipl01_data.grade_taught),
>                        headers = {'fpipl01_data.form_id' : 'Form ID',
> 'teacher.surname' : 'Teacher surname',
>                                   '' : 'Teacher name', '
>' : 'School',
>                                   'fpipl01_data.grade_taught' : 'Grade
> taught'},
>                        truncate = 25)
>        message = 'FP/IP Literacy and English: Teacher training attendance
> register (FPIPL01)'
>        return dict(form=form,data = data, message = message)
> def show_fpipl01():
>        tabel = request.vars.tabel
>        tb = tabel.lower()
>        if auth.user_id in [21,22]: # Johann Spies (22) or ERA (21)
>               rdata = db(( == db[tb].service_provider)
>                          ).select(db[tb].id,
>                         ,
>                                   db[tb].date,db.fpipl01.trainer,
>                                   db[tb].focus)
>        else:
>               rdata = db((db[tb].created_by==auth.user_id) &
>                          ( == db[tb].service_provider)
>                          ).select(db[tb].id,
>                         ,
>                                   db[tb].date,db.fpipl01.trainer,
>                                   db[tb].focus)
>        ids = []
>        for row in rdata:
>               ids.append( row['fpipl01']['id'])
>        data = SQLTABLE(rdata,
>                        headers = {'' : 'ID', '
>' : 'Service Provider',
>                                   '': 'Date', 'fpipl01.trainer':
> 'Trainer',
>                                   'fpipl01.focus': 'Focus of training'},
>                        truncate = 50
>                        )
>        form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('id', requires = IS_IN_SET(ids),
>                                    label = "Which event (number)?")
>                              )
>        if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>               redirect(URL(r=request, f='show_fpipl01_data',vars=form_vars))
>        else:
>               response.flash=repr(form.errors)
>        return dict(data=data,tabel=tabel,form=form)
> Regards
> Johann
> --
>  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
> and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for
> life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by
> his own glory and excellence.
>                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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