
I'm running Web2py version 1.89.1 and attempting to set up a
production enviornment (Windows Server 2008) on our Intranet running
behind Apache with mod_wsgi & mod_auth_sspi (for grabbing the current
Windows username).   Since this is an Intranet application only, I'd
like to have access to both the admin site & my web2py application.

My goal is to be able to have 2 entry points:
App 1) http://<server>/<appname> - For normal users to access the
web2py app we built
App 2) https://<server>/admin (SSL) - For developers to access the
web2py admin interface at https://<server>/admin/default/site

With my current apache confirguation, when I first start apache I can
access https://<server>/admin just fine, however if I then switch to
http://<server>/<appname>, web2py issues the following ticket:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\aproj\web2py\gluon\main.py", line 453, in wsgibase
    session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
  File "C:\aproj\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 382, in
    cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
  File "C:/python\lib\copy_reg.py", line 74, in _reduce_ex
    getstate = self.__getstate__
  File "C:\aproj\web2py\gluon\sql.py", line 740, in __getattr__
    return dict.__getitem__(self,key)
KeyError: '__getstate__'

At this point I can revisit https://<server>/admin and it comes up
fine just as it did before.  If I restart Apache and revese the order
(access non-SSL first), our custom app comes up just fine, but then
the admin app will exhibit the same behavior and issue a ticket.
Basically, once I start Apache I seem to have to stay on either SSL or
Non-SSL, but can't switch between both -- the second app to be
accessed with always issue a ticket.  Is it possible to use Apache
VirtualHosts to access both the admin site and non-admin site using
mod_wsgi or would I also need something like mod_rewrite or to handle
this via routes.py?  I'd like to avoid installing Web2py as a Windows
service just for the ability to access the admin site if possible.

Here are the relevant portions of my httpd.conf:
WSGIPythonHome "C:/python"

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "C:/aproj/web2py/applications"
        ServerName server1

        <Directory "C:/aproj/web2py">
                Order allow,deny
                Deny from all

        <Location "/">
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

                AuthName "Stadion Lunch Application"
                AuthType SSPI
                SSPIAuth On
                SSPIAuthoritative On
                SSPIDomain hq.ft
                SSPIOmitDomain On
                SSPIOfferBasic Off
                SSPIBasicPreferred Off
                SSPIUsernameCase lower
                SSPIPerRequestAuth On

                Require group "HQ\IT"
                #require valid-user


        <LocationMatch "^(/[\w_]*/static/.*)">
            Order Allow,Deny
            Allow from all

        WSGIScriptAlias / "C:/aproj/web2py/wsgihandler.py"

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
        DocumentRoot "C:/aproj/web2py/applications/admin"
        ServerName server1admin

        <Directory "C:/aproj/web2py">
                Order allow,deny
                Deny from all

        <Location "/">
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

                AuthName "Stadion Lunch Application"
                AuthType SSPI
                SSPIAuth On
                SSPIAuthoritative On
                SSPIDomain hq.ft
                SSPIOfferBasic Off
                SSPIOmitDomain On
                SSPIBasicPreferred Off
                SSPIUsernameCase lower
                SSPIPerRequestAuth On

                Require group "HQ\IT"
                #require valid-user


        WSGIScriptAlias / "C:/aproj/web2py/wsgihandler.py"

        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile conf/server.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/server.key

Any help would greatly be appreciated!


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