Thanks Jonathan!

Yes, that's all correct.  I forgot about uploading new documentation
but there are no significant changes in the documentation.  The thread
count advice for Jython still holds.


On Dec 3, 12:17 am, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> Rocket 1.2.0 (web2py's embedded web server) is now in the trunk.
> It have various improvements, which perhaps Tim will describe. There is one 
> user-visible interface change that might affect some of you. In the previous 
> version, Rocket's min_threads and max_threads were 10 and 1024 respectively. 
> The cli (and winservice options) --numthreads option allowed the user to 
> override min_threads.
> In the new version, the Rocket defaults are 10 and 0 (meaning no upper 
> limit), and the cli options are --minthreads and --maxthreads (--numthreads 
> is provided for compatibility, meaning the same as --minthreads, but is 
> deprecated).
> If you're running CPython, my impression is that you need to do nothing, and 
> if you've been ignoring thread-count options, also do nothing. If you've been 
> patching maxthreads, the new default of 0 may work fine for you, and if not 
> you now have command-line access to it. Tim suggests increasing minthreads to 
> 64 for a production server.
> If you're running JPython, Tim has some thread-count advice for you 
> here:'s for 1.1.x, not 1.2, 
> but I assume that it still applies).
> If you're running winservice, numthreads is now ignored; you must use 
> minthreads and maxthreads (assuming that you want something other than the 
> defaults).
> Again, this is in the trunk, and unless the wheels fall off will be in the 
> next release *after* 1.89.5, which is current-stable.

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