from python you can read the file content with

On Dec 5, 8:16 pm, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> Onvalidation is called before the file is stored on disk. You can
> define a custom_store method on the field to control how and where it
> is stored. I don't know of a way to open the file with sqlite from the
> cgi FieldStorage object form.vars.file.
> On Dec 5, 7:11 pm, "G. Clifford Williams" <>
> wrote:
> > I have a project that requires users to upload transaction files. These 
> > files
> > are sqlite databases created with a desktop application. I'm trying to 
> > figure
> > out a way to ensure that the files uploaded by the various users are infact
> > valid transaction files from the proper version of the appropriate 
> > application.
> > Since they are sqlite3 this _should_ be pretty easy with Python.
> > I've crated an onvalidation function that can pass off parameters to another
> > function that checks for the appropriate fields in the transaction file. The
> > problem is that I can't seem to get the name of the uploaded file as a 
> > string
> > that I can pass along to transaction_test().
> > My question(s):
> >     How can I access the name of the file (as stored on disk)?
> >     Is the name of the file only accessible after the form has been 
> > accepted?
> > model:
> > ...
> > db.define_table('transaction',
> >     Field('property', 'string',
> >         requires=IS_MATCH('^[\w.-]{2,32}$',
> >             error_message = 'Invalid characters')),
> >     Field('owner', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id,
> >         readable=False, writable=False,),
> >     Field('visibility', 'boolean', label='List publicly', default=True),
> >     Field('description', 'text'),
> >     Field('created_on', 'datetime', readable=True, writable=False,),
> >     Field('file', 'upload', uploadseparate=True),
> >     )
> > controller:
> > ...
> > @auth.requires_login()
> > def create():
> >     mechanism = request.args(0)
> >     if mechanism == 'upload':
> >         message = "Upload your Transaction"
> >         db.transaction.file.writable=True
> >         db.transaction.file.readable=True
> >         form = crud.create(db.transaction, onvalidation=upload_proc)
> >     else:
> >         message = "Create a new Transaction"
> >         db.transaction.file.writable=False
> >         db.transaction.file.readable=False
> >         form = crud.create(db.transaction, onvalidation=scratch_proc)
> >     return dict(message=T(message), form=form)
> > def upload_proc(form):
> >     form.vars.created_on = #set time stamp properly
> >     print form.vars.file.filename
> >     if transaction_test(form.vars.file):
> >         import os.popen2
> >         popen2(transaction_BIN+' rebuild '+ form.vars.file)
> >     else:
> >         form.errors.file = "File is not a valid transaction repo"
> > ...
> > def transaction_test(transaction_file):
> >     #simple test to see whether 'transaction_file' is actually a sqlite3 
> > database
> >     #with some key tables required for transactions from (REDACTED)
> >     import sqlite3
> >     dbobj = sqlite3.connect(str(transaction_file.upload))
> >     dbcursor = connection.cursor()
> >     query_string = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND " 
> > +\
> >                     "name='receiver' OR name='bursar' OR name='clagent' " +\
> >                     "name='lbroker' OR name='bbroker' OR name='loc';"
> >     dbcursor.execute(query_string)
> >     rows_returned = len(db.fetchall())
> > ...
> > Thanks in advance...
> > --Cliff

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