This is now partially in trunk but default has not changed. What if
you are printing the result of a join?

On Dec 8, 7:40 pm, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> Now this is better and I can make a patch,
> Do you think SQLTABLE should use the defined field labels by default if
> headers param is empty?
> <code>
>         if not columns:
>             columns = sqlrows.colnames
>         if headers=='fieldname:capitalize':
>             headers = {}
>             for c in columns:
>                 headers[c] = ' '.join([w.capitalize() for w in
> c.split('.')[-1].split('_')])
>         if not headers or headers=='labels':
>             headers = {}
>             for c in columns:
>                 (t,f) = c.split('.')
>                 field = sqlrows.db[t][f]
>                 if hasattr(field,'label'):
>                     headers[c] = field.label
>                 else:
>                     lbl = c.split('.')[1].replace("_", " ").capitalize()
>                     headers[c] = lbl
> </code>
> --
> Bruno Rocha

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