We use web2py and Google Closure for a large application. The closure
library itself has a rather steep learning curve compared to jquery
and dojo.  It works very similar to dojo. When we started using
Closure July 2010 there was very little documenation to be found
online. It is improving but I still recomend. 
It really is worth it for a large application. Another recommendation
is to us plover -> http://plovr.com/  it is a build tool that prevents
you from haveing to learn their dependency system.

On Dec 7, 5:02 pm, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> very interesting. Does anyone have experience with Google Closure?
> On Dec 7, 10:00 pm, Tom Atkins <minkto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Interesting way of doing things for web apps:
> >http://www.hackers-with-attitude.com/2010/10/using-clojure-nosql-data...
> > May have some relevance to web2py with the new support for NoSQL db's - I
> > like the idea of auto data sync between client (local storage API) and
> > server (NoSQL key value store) with 'versioning' of data to avoid update
> > conflicts. Maybe possible to make this an option in web2py for the future?
> > Google Closure javascript stuff looks interesting too...

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