Hmmm... look into gluon/

    def basic(self):
        if not self.settings.allow_basic_login:
            return False
        basic = self.environment.request.env.http_authorization
        if not basic or not basic[:6].lower() == 'basic ':
            return False
        (username, password) = base64.b64decode(basic[6:]).split(':')
        return self.login_bare(username, password)

Can you add some print debug statements as see where it fails?

On Dec 15, 10:23 am, Adi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up a function for authenticating users over a service.
> This is my method:
> def authenticate():
> is_loggedin = auth and auth.user
> if not is_loggedin:
> auth.allow_basic_login = True
> is_loggedin = auth.basic()
> return is_loggedin
> This is how I call it: curl -u 
> is the username, test is the password. This is returning False 
> when
> I expected True. What am I missing?

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